Thanks from Beneficiaries

Beneficiaries give their thanks to donors, whose generosity had a significant impact on their future and the School’s growth.

Thank you for supporting us. Contributions to financing the project, the mobilization of services to help its development, and the dialogue with pedagogical teams as well as the school’s admin were a decisive asset to making the Antarctica 2.0°C expedition possible. [...] We hope that you will be interested in future student initiatives. They will all have the values of the ENS at heart: training researchers and teachers to be autonomous, curious and driven.

When I arrived from Cameroon, having just obtained my master’s degree, I couldn’t pursue a doctorate right away. I am very glad that the jury accepted my application. This academic excellence scholarship during the two years of my master’s program will allow me to fully devote myself to my studies and to benefit from academic and industrial support. I will then work on my doctoral dissertation project, which will be on earthquake response of structures, especially on structures subjected to corrosion

Read Alexi Blaise Talla Simon’s testimonial

Without this scholarship, I never could have taken an MVA master’s program and pursued a career in research, which I really want to do later. I would have had to work to live [...]. I realized how much academic and moral support mentors provide. I was surprised by how cordial the DeepMind community was. And I am very happy to be a part of it !

Read Hélène Maxcici’s testimonial

Raising awareness among school children means giving them all a chance to discover what research is, to give them a tangible idea of this professional field and, who knows, maybe inspire some of them to find their calling. Some schoolgirls told me about their wish to become scientists, undoubtedly inspired by the image we gave them of women in research. I was very moved

Read Edith Turpyn's testimonial

I am very happy to benefit from this scholarship, which allows me to focus on my studies and truly discover the field of artificial intelligence with the support of a mentor

Read Clémentine Chazal’s testimonial

I arrived in France in 2019. I was housed by friends of the family in Caen. When I moved to Paris for my studies, I had to work even more alongside my studies to provide for myself. This new work rhythm affected my academic performance. I was frustrated because I couldn’t wholly focus on my studies and succeed as I wanted.
Thanks to the scholarship, I can devote myself to my studies on AI. That’s an amazing opportunity !

Read Ben Kabongo’s testimonial